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Paralyzed Man Plays Chess With Mind Using Neuralink Brain Implant

After numerous accusations of animal cruelty, Neuralink finally shows some promise.

Chris Dannen profile image
by Chris Dannen
Paralyzed Man Plays Chess With Mind Using Neuralink Brain Implant

In a groundbreaking application of brain-computer interface technology, Noland Arbaugh, a 29-year-old paralyzed from the shoulders down after a diving accident, played chess online using a Neuralink brain implant. This remarkable event was broadcast live on X (formerly Twitter) on July 21, 2023. Arbaugh navigated the chess game by merely envisioning the cursor's movements, a feat he described as "wild." During the livestream, Bliss Chapman, Neuralink's brain interface software lead, accompanied Arbaugh, providing insights into the technology's operation and the progress being made in this innovative area.

The success of the Neuralink demonstration exemplifies the strides being taken in the development of brain-computer interfaces, which promise to transform the lives of individuals with severe physical limitations by restoring their ability to interact with digital devices in a manner that seems almost indistinguishable from natural movement. This development, alongside other advancements in the AI sector, highlights the accelerating pace of innovation in fields that combine technology and neuroscience to enhance human capabilities.

Parallel to the progress in brain-computer interfaces, the artificial intelligence sector continues to thrive, as illustrated by the performance of the $9 billion T. Rowe Price Science & Technology Fund. Under the management of Tony Wang, the fund outshone 99% of its peers in the previous year and maintains a robust performance trajectory in the current year as well. Nvidia Corp., a key player in the AI technology space and the fund’s largest holding, has seen its value soar by over 80% since the beginning of the year. Wang, commenting on the AI stock rally's momentum, expressed confidence in the sustainability of this growth trend, despite some analysts' fears of a potential market bubble.

Together, these advancements in AI and neural technology underscore the burgeoning potential of such innovations to redefine not only investment landscapes but also the everyday experiences of individuals with disabilities. As companies like Neuralink push the boundaries of what is possible, merging human cognition with digital interfaces, they pave the way for a future where technological solutions offer newfound autonomy and engagement for those who face considerable physical challenges. The positive trajectory of AI investments, meanwhile, signals a wider acknowledgment of these technologies' transformative impacts, both socially and economically.

Chris Dannen profile image
by Chris Dannen

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